| Counsel Ferdinando De Giosa e-mail:
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He completed a law degree at the University Of Bari and now he joins the Brindisi’s Bar Association. He set up the De Giosa law firm after completing different experiences in the shipping area, in particular in the field of carriage by sea. He is promoter and Vice chairman of "Avomarmed" (Avvocati Marittimisti del Mediterraneo). He is a member of the Committee of Transport, Foreign investments, Company law, international arbitrators, insurance law, and of UIA and he is also Provincial Chairman of the Family Law’s Observatory. He organises different meetings in the fields of maritime, company and insurance law. He is the lawyer for the Serbian Consulate In Milan. Languages: Italian, English, French and spanish |
 | Counsel Francesco Cassano e-mail:
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He completed a law degree at the University of Bari and now he joins the Brindisi’s Bar Association. He is specialized in the fields of civil law, family law, employment law, banking and insurance law. Languages: Italian and English |
 | Dr Nicola De Giosa e-mail:
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He completed a law degree in Bologna (Alma Mater Studiorum) and then a master's degree in law and economics of logistics, specializing in harbour logistics and maritime law in a major Livorno firm. Then he worked for a law firm in Milan, specializing in real estate and consumer protection. In 2006 he joined one of the most respectable law firms in Malta and deepened his knowledge of maritime and international trade law. Since September 2006, he has been collaborating with the De Giosa law firm. He writes for Portonuovo, review of ANCIP, national association harbour's industries and companies. Languages: Italian, English and Spanish (basic) |
|  | | Dott. Francesco De Giosa | | e-mail:
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Iscritto all'Ordine dei Dottori Commercialisti ed Esperti contabili di Milano; revisore legale dei conti. Consegue la laurea in Economia delle Istituzioni e dei Mercati finanziari presso l'Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore di Milano, discutendo una tesi sull'informativa contabile in Giappone. Si occupa di fiscalità internazionale per persone fisiche e giuridiche, di consulenza in materia di doppia imposizione fiscale, di costituzione di società estere attraverso l'ausilio di collaboratori qualificati che risiedono in Lussemburgo e Malta,di investimenti all'estero. Fornisce altresì servizi di consulenza societaria, tenuta contabilità e redazione di bilanci, oltre a prestare assistenza nel contenzioso tributario. Inoltre collabora presso lo Studio LSC di Milano, dove in particolar modo si occupa di consulenza bancaria per la clientela dello Studio. Membro della Commissione Studio "Fiscalità internazionale" dell'Ordine dei Dottori Commercialisti di Milano. Lingue: italiano, inglese, giapponese. |
Consultants | | Counsel Anna Konevskaya, lawyer and consultant for Russia Counsel Luciana Todisco, criminal lawyer